protester throw 11.98   Protesters threw rocks in response.
  judge throw 11.92   A judge threw out the case.
  court throw 11.13   But a court threw it out.
  demonstrator throw 9.22   Some demonstrators threw rocks.
  fan throw 8.76   The fans threw it back.
  man throw 7.44   The man threw a punch.
  people throw 6.91   People threw balls.
  youth throw 6.91   The youths then threw their firebomb.
  pitcher throw 6.85   The Boston pitchers threw very good.
  student throw 6.06   Some students threw rocks.
  police throw 4.41   Some police threw rocks back at the students.
  assailant throw 3.82   Assailant throws grenade into busy area of Bujumbura, killing one,
  attacker throw 3.16   The attacker threw a second device at him.
  quarterback throw 3.16   Quarterbacks throw it hard and far.
  soldier throw 3.09   Sometimes the soldiers throw stones back.
  crowd throw 2.83   The crowd threw a few rocks and dispersed.
  settler throw 2.70   One settler, Noam Federman, denied settlers threw stones.
  group throw 2.63   His meditation group throws him out.
  rioter throw 2.63   Rioters threw rocks.
  player throw 2.44   Players threw punches.
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