scratchy throat 1.18   Throat scratchy.
  dry throat 0.99   The dry throat.
  minor throat 0.59   He said Wang has a minor throat condition.
  parched throat 0.53   Parched throat clears up!
  slit throat 0.46   Others saw piles of men, with slit throats.
  viral throat 0.46   He also missed time with a right shoulder injury and viral throat infection.
  full throat 0.39   Ted Turner visited the city Thursday, wound up and in full throat.
  white throat 0.33   Juvenile has buff underparts and white throat and eyestripe.
  bad throat 0.26   She kept getting a bad throat.
  chronic throat 0.26   He had chronic throat problems long before his first cancer scare.
  golden throat 0.26   It was a golden throat for a golden era.
  raw throat 0.26   Just stay quiet so your raw throat will heal itself.
  tanned throat 0.26   Rachel stared fixedly at his tanned throat where the white shirt was unbuttoned.
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