serious threat 37.39   But he is not a serious threat.
  terrorist threat 30.94   Nations under terrorist threats are tense places.
  potential threat 23.83   A second potential threat is competition.
  new threat 20.14   And now there seems a new threat.
  biggest threat 19.75   The biggest threat it faces now is cost.
  military threat 18.37   We do not face outside military threats.
  immediate threat 16.00   The immediate threat was over.
  real threat 15.27   That was a real threat.
  greatest threat 15.01   Drug abuse was its greatest threat?
  major threat 12.97   Flooding remained a major threat.
  possible threat 11.39   A possible threat to those earnings is rising wages.
  specific threat 11.32   It made no specific threat.
  growing threat 10.07   But domestic drug abuse is a growing threat.
  constant threat 9.35   And it is a constant threat.
  main threat 9.02   Shevchenko was the main threat.
  veiled threat 8.62   Was this a veiled threat to Richard?
  nuclear threat 8.03   Reducing the nuclear threat.
  greater threat 7.90   But amnesia is a greater threat.
  direct threat 7.57   - He soon eased off the direct threats.
  perceived threat 6.98   Leaders discuss perceived Afghan threat.
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