first thought 14.42   First thought?
  serious thought 6.58   Not a serious thought in my head.
  negative thought 4.34   Not negative thoughts.
  mere thought 3.62   The mere thought gave Masklin nightmares.
  same thought 3.23   FedEx has the same thought.
  similar thought 3.16   Garcia had similar thoughts.
  deep thought 2.83   It was too hot for such deep thoughts.
  positive thought 2.24   Think positive thoughts.
  rational thought 2.24   She had a more rational thought.
  scary thought 2.17   A scary thought.
  suicidal thought 2.11   Preoccupation with death or suicidal thoughts.
  careful thought 1.97   Still, careful thought goes into the process.
  new thought 1.97   New thoughts.
  considerable thought 1.65   Gangal devotes considerable thought to his investments.
  final thought 1.65   Consider two final thoughts.
  innermost thought 1.65   Share your innermost thoughts and deepest secrets.
  human thought 1.58   Rather, he is suggesting that computers will liberate human thought.
  last thought 1.58   He has one last thought.
  private thought 1.58   I could have my private thoughts about them.
  inner thought 1.51   She never shared her inner thoughts with anyone.
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