win third 3.88   Atlanta won its third in a row.
  reach third 3.82   He did not reach third.
  start third 2.76   And now he is starting his third.
  lose third 2.63   Texas lost its third in a row.
  score third 1.91   Shearer scored the third from close in.
  open third 1.65   Russ Davis singled up the middle to open the third.
  add third 1.51   Substitute Lee Morris added the third.
  finish third 0.92   It cost him a two-stroke penalty and he finished joint third.
  get third 0.92   Rivaldo got the third.
  take third 0.92   The third was taken to hospital but died shortly after.
  end third 0.86   He recovered to strike out Derek Jeter to end the third.
  get_out third 0.86   They never got the third out.
  hit third 0.79   Oscar hit the third.
  wound third 0.79   The third apparently was wounded in the chest.
  drop third 0.59   The Sonics dropped their third in a row in KeyArena.
  begin third 0.53   Ankiel threw eight straight balls to begin the third.
  miss third 0.53   He missed the third.
  arrest third 0.46   Two were killed and the third was arrested, it said.
  convert third 0.46   One third of the Serbs were killed, another third converted, and the remainder forced out.
  have third 0.46   My brother has thirds.
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