slap thigh 0.92   At that moment, Hingis started to slap her thigh.
  injure thigh 0.79   Starting goalkeeper Fabien Barthez injured his thigh in practice.
  bruise thigh 0.59   Bruised thighs.
  bandage thigh 0.39   Johnson left the stadium without comment and bandaged right thigh.
  hit thigh 0.39   See where the top edge hits your thigh.
  wrap thigh 0.39   Rubin had both thighs wrapped in bandages by the end of the match.
  have thigh 0.33   When the policeman told Nikki she had fat thighs she was incensed.
  pierce thigh 0.33   Check the chickens for doneness by piercing a thigh with a fork.
  break thigh 0.26   He had broken his thigh.
  brown thigh 0.26   Brown the thighs lightly on all sides.
  cut thigh 0.26   Cut each thigh into thirds, cutting lengthwise along the bone.
  massage thigh 0.26   During the changeover, Hingis had her thighs massaged by a trainer.
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