double thickness 2.17   Wrap the cake in a double thickness of foil.
  same thickness 1.25   A very sound investment compared to plasterboards of the same thickness.
  full thickness 1.12   Nine patients had a diagnosis based on a small bowel full thickness biopsy.
  desired thickness 0.66   Spread to desired thickness.
  different thickness 0.66   It used all different thicknesses of plates, he said.
  uniform thickness 0.59   Few fillets are of uniform thickness, though.
  varying thickness 0.46   Slicks of oil, of widely varying thickness, were being constantly monitored from the air.
  medium thickness 0.39   When the weaving yarn is medium thickness, you want short to medium length floats.
  right thickness 0.33   Bite into a piece of the fish to determine the right thickness.
  even thickness 0.26   An even thickness is more important than an even edge.
  extra thickness 0.26   The high-density composition increases the R-values of the batts without adding extra thickness.
  greater thickness 0.26   It would be possible to have a greater thickness of roof insulation if a trussed rafter roof were used.
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