economic theory 10.86   ...capitalist economic theory.
  new theory 8.23   But there is also no new theory.
  legal theory 4.48   The legal theory is set out first.
  different theory 3.82   Cobb had a different theory.
  political theory 3.82   Lewis has a cockamamie political theory.
  scientific theory 3.82   A scientific theory, not just a rhetorical one.
  popular theory 3.03   This is a popular theory.
  evolutionary theory 2.30   Some scientists have rejected evolutionary theory.
  current theory 2.24   Surely our current theories lie closer to empirical adequacy.
  prevailing theory 2.24   The prevailing theory is that Tucson is a basketball town.
  general theory 1.91   We shall not go into any of the general theory here.
  second theory 1.91   There is also a second theory.
  alternative theory 1.84   There was no need for an alternative theory.
  in theory 1.84   In theory, yes.
  standard theory 1.71   It imploded standard theories.
  accepted theory 1.58   But Profet goes beyond accepted theory.
  classical theory 1.51   In classical theory, exact measurements had been possible.
  leading theory 1.51   One leading theory is that the heart-lung machine is the culprit.
  literary theory 1.51   It is mercifully unburdened by literary theory.
  same theory 1.51   But the same theory applies.
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