hear testimony 28.90   Did they hear the testimony today?
  give testimony 17.91   Only a handful gave incriminating testimony.
  take testimony 6.45   No testimony was taken.
  provide testimony 5.20   The lab also provides expert testimony.
  include testimony 4.15   Grove rushed out a new edition that included testimony.
  offer testimony 4.15   Those four people offered their testimony at my trial.
  present testimony 3.55   Both sides finished presenting testimony Tuesday.
  allow testimony 2.90   The judge allowed the testimony.
  recant testimony 2.83   He did not recant his testimony.
  use testimony 2.76   The defense tried to use this testimony to exonerate Roy, who is a Canadian Indian.
  change testimony 2.70   I wish to change my testimony.
  cite testimony 2.70   He cited medical testimony that she had been raped.
  continue testimony 2.50   DeHaan will continue his testimony Friday.
  contradict testimony 2.37   But he contradicted some testimony.
  compel testimony 2.30   Both can convene grand juries, compel testimony and submit reports to Congress.
  begin testimony 1.97   They are scheduled to begin testimony Monday.
  seek testimony 1.97   The prosecutors are seeking the testimony of five or six Americans in all.
  complete testimony 1.84   Poole will complete his testimony on Tuesday.
  resume testimony 1.65   He resumes his testimony Monday.
  influence testimony 1.51   Efforts to influence testimony.
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