court testimony 6.52   Is a lawsuit possible over court testimony?
  witness testimony 6.06   UPDATES throughout with witness testimony.
  trial testimony 4.81   Latour said, according to trial testimony.
  eyewitness testimony 2.37   Eyewitness testimony.
  defense testimony 1.45   Defense testimony is expected later in the day.
  police testimony 1.25   Its trustworthiness came into question because of police testimony.
  week testimony 1.05   Christopher concurred in congressional testimony this week.
  deposition testimony 0.99   Her previous deposition testimony was read aloud instead.
  courtroom testimony 0.92   Courtroom testimony is to start Tuesday.
  prosecution testimony 0.86   Prosecution testimony is to resume on Monday.
  victim testimony 0.53   The jurors, some of whom wept during victim testimony earlier this week, showed no expression.
  committee testimony 0.39   Media reports said the committee heard testimony that the operation was ill-planned and poorly executed.
  hearsay testimony 0.33   Scanlan, however, refused to allow the hearsay testimony and said he wanted to see documents.
  morning testimony 0.33   Mr. Manager Hutchinson played that excerpt from the testimony this morning.
  refugee testimony 0.33   He said three mass gravesites been identified, based on refugee testimony.
  videotape testimony 0.33   The defense had argued vigorously for the videotape testimony.
  alibi testimony 0.26   There was no alibi testimony.
  dream testimony 0.26   But in court Thursday morning, without the jurors present, prosecutor Marcia Clark said the dream testimony was relevant.
  rebuttal testimony 0.26   After the defense rested, prosecutors said they would not present any rebuttal testimony.
  summer testimony 0.26   His upbeat testimony in Congress over the fresh wonders of technology bore scant resemblance to his grudging videotaped testimony last summer.
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