conduct test 67.15   Bre-X will conduct more tests.
  undergo test 37.39   CHUCK is undergoing field tests.
  pass test 30.55   And I passed the test.
  take test 29.23   He took the test again last week.
  fail test 22.91   He failed this test.
  do test 19.03   He did more tests.
  carry test 17.77   The tests were not carried out.
  perform test 14.22   Tests were performed.
  use test 13.50   But be warned when using these tests.
  have test 11.06   He has a test.
  run test 10.60   But they ran tests.
  develop test 8.62   Scientists develop test for disease.
  complete test 8.56   The tests should be completed soon.
  administer test 8.03   The test was administered by the FBI.
  give test 7.64   Wranglers give a test.
  order test 7.04   -- Order drug tests.
  resume test 6.45   Will China resume nuclear tests?
  meet test 6.25   Did they meet the test?
  stand test 5.73   They stood a test.
  plan test 4.81   No tests are planned.
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