suspected terrorist 38.64   He believed a suspected terrorist might visit.
  international terrorist 10.60   International terrorists.
  islamic terrorist 7.50   Police are investigating links to Islamic terrorists.
  palestinian terrorist 6.91   The Palestinian terrorist killed one.
  foreign terrorist 5.60   These were foreign terrorists.
  potential terrorist 5.46   That includes potential terrorists.
  alleged terrorist 4.74   Police arrest nine alleged terrorists.
  convicted terrorist 3.82   Lawyers say convicted terrorist near death.
  arab terrorist 2.83   -- Arab terrorists.
  accused terrorist 2.70   Accused terrorist again disrupts trial.
  would-be terrorist 2.04   The would-be terrorists have problems as well.
  possible terrorist 1.97   In Bulgaria, officials screen asylum applicants for possible terrorists.
  domestic terrorist 1.84   Ayers was a domestic terrorist in the Vietnam era.
  muslim terrorist 1.78   Because these Muslim terrorists did not just want to kill Americans.
  fugitive terrorist 1.65   The accident killed a fugitive terrorist and a police chief.
  known terrorist 1.65   A known terrorist, or somesuch.
  albanian terrorist 1.58   He also accused her of supporting Albanian terrorists.
  wanted terrorist 1.45   The FBI has placed him on its list of most wanted terrorists.
  former terrorist 1.32   The former terrorists were unmasked and jailed.
  algerian terrorist 1.05   France has recently been targeted by bomb attacks in Paris, allegedly set by Algerian terrorists.
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