makeshift tent 5.27   Families spill out of the makeshift tents.
  large tent 5.13   Two large tent canopies provide shade.
  white tent 4.94   There they burned two tires and a white Egyptian tent.
  medical tent 3.62   Medical tents were flooded.
  huge tent 2.83   At night, the runners slept in huge tents.
  big tent 2.63   The big tent.
  small tent 2.24   It began as a small tent village for a few hundred soldiers.
  military tent 1.45   A military tent was set up near the voting post.
  plastic tent 1.45   Several hundred left homeless have pitched plastic tents on higher roads.
  giant tent 1.38   Giant ornate tents housed participants.
  nearby tent 1.25   Zulu maidens spent the night in a nearby tent awaiting the dance.
  air-conditioned tent 1.18   The Air Force gets air-conditioned tents at its base near the airport.
  corporate tent 1.18   More corporate tents.
  green tent 1.18   A soft breeze ruffled the green tent where the family gathered.
  new tent 1.18   Nearby, protesters erected a new tent camp outside Navy property.
  heated tent 0.86   Some of the guests were seated outside in a heated tent in the Rose Garden.
  emergency tent 0.72   She told of her ordeal from a stretcher in an emergency medical tent at the border Sunday.
  outdoor tent 0.72   Large receptions are held in an outdoor tent.
  scoring tent 0.72   Chamblee said, standing next to the scoring tent.
  flimsy tent 0.66   But the flimsy little tent held.
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