ease tension 52.67   This tends to ease the tension.
  defuse tension 24.49   They defuse tensions by having sex.
  reduce tension 22.51   Reducing tensions diplomatically.
  raise tension 18.04   Kidnapping of foreigners raises tensions.
  heighten tension 17.77   Tensions are heightened over Kosovo.
  create tension 13.10   Fear creates tension.
  increase tension 12.11   It said such a move could only increase tensions.
  escalate tension 7.44   Sharon said such remarks only escalate tensions.
  cause tension 6.98   This, too, has caused tension.
  inflame tension 5.79   The shooting inflamed ethnic tensions.
  exacerbate tension 5.73   And the fickle real-estate market exacerbates these tensions.
  fuel tension 5.66   Tension was fueled notably with Romania and Slovakia.
  calm tension 4.61   Russia, too, was trying to calm the tensions.
  reflect tension 4.15   The early debate reflected the tensions to come.
  relieve tension 3.42   A good way to relieve the tension.
  aggravate tension 3.29   But it has also aggravated racial tensions.
  discuss tension 3.29   We discussed the tensions between India and Pakistan.
  feel tension 3.03   Pros feel so much tension.
  spark tension 3.03   These divergent outlooks always spark tensions.
  keep tension 2.83   Last year, the impeachment drama kept tensions high.
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