people tend 28.18   And people tend to overlook that.
  woman tend 11.78   Here, the young women tend to sashay.
  company tend 8.82   Companies tend only to look to short term profits.
  investor tend 8.16   Sirower says investors tend to get it right.
  rate tend 8.10   Daytime rates tend to be higher.
  man tend 6.12   Men tend to prefer non-fiction.
  price tend 5.27   Cattle prices tend to be cyclical.
  stock tend 4.87   Australian stocks tend to track the Dow.
  child tend 4.61   Children tend to get stuck here.
  fund tend 4.28   The fund tends to make concentrated bets.
  voter tend 4.21   White voters tend to shun him in droves.
  yen tend 3.42   As that gap widens, the yen tends to grow stronger.
  group tend 3.03   These groups tend to be Democratic voters.
  worker tend 2.90   Thai workers tend the fields now.
  system tend 2.83   Systems tend to maximum disorder.
  analyst tend 2.63   Analysts tend to agree.
  player tend 2.63   Most game players tend to prefer PCs.
  market tend 2.57   The market tends to bottom in September and October.
  doctor tend 2.44   Medical doctors tend to be skeptical.
  student tend 2.30   Students tend to overuse certain words.
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