resist temptation 26.60   That temptation should be resisted.
  avoid temptation 4.74   Avoid temptation.
  reduce temptation 1.25   That will reduce your temptation, or at least make it harder to give in.
  fight temptation 0.72   She was too busy fighting another temptation.
  remove temptation 0.72   Of course, we could remove the temptation.
  increase temptation 0.66   That increased the temptation for others to hoard.
  understand temptation 0.66   But I understand the temptation.
  offer temptation 0.53   But it also offered dangerous temptations.
  face temptation 0.46   And all politicians face powerful temptations.
  eliminate temptation 0.33   The computer polls also were supposed to eliminate the temptation for coaches to run up victory margins in hopes of earning points.
  find temptation 0.33   Now he finds new temptations testing his resolve.
  have temptation 0.33   Sure he had temptations.
  provide temptation 0.33   But the wealth of worthwhile wine resources provides a temptation to plug in.
  symbolize temptation 0.26   The pillars symbolize the temptations of Satan.
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