watch television 57.14   Do you ever watch television.
  tell television 6.78   Brown told BBC television.
  report television 5.53   Police made a dozen arrests, the television reported.
  say television 5.27   He says watching television this month is too much to handle.
  have television 4.81   We have no television.
  use television 4.28   Parents use television as a baby sitter.
  turn television 2.04   The television is turned off.
  make television 1.97   That made good television.
  do television 1.58   I was doing some television.
  include television 1.58   And usually that includes television.
  ban television 1.32   Television is banned.
  buy television 1.25   Put off buying that television.
  see television 1.25   Many see television as an opiate of the masses.
  dominate television 1.12   American programs also dominates Czech television.
  own television 1.12   You can be jailed for owning a television.
  blame television 0.99   Blame television.
  allow television 0.92   Television was not allowed by the Taliban.
  run television 0.92   Pale television is run by hardliners loyal to Karadzic.
  control television 0.86   Control television.
  offer television 0.86   Initially, Time Warner plans to offer digital television.
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