medical technician 3.62   Ikye, a medical technician, works two jobs.
  trained technician 1.65   They sent in a whole army of trained technicians.
  sound technician 1.38   It said a sound technician had died.
  skilled technician 1.32   As a skilled technician here, Thomas earns the top wage.
  nuclear technician 1.12   The laboratory will also serve as a regional training center for nuclear technicians.
  russian technician 0.99   Russian technicians, in most fields, make things work.
  american technician 0.92   American technicians trained Indian scientists to reprocess spent fuel for plutonium.
  qualified technician 0.92   Have it checked by a qualified technician.
  former technician 0.86   Stevens, a former psychiatric technician, avoided trial by pleading guilty to three cases of aggravated robbery.
  veterinary technician 0.86   Veterinary technicians are working it at nightclubs.
  chinese technician 0.72   Chinese technicians lost all control of the satellite less than two weeks after it was launched.
  iraqi technician 0.66   It showed that Iraqi technicians had the skills to produce dried agent of exactly the right size.
  military technician 0.59   The training of military technicians has raised questions.
  electronic technician 0.46   Union members include lathe operators, machinists, electronic technicians, furniture movers and part inspectors.
  lighting technician 0.46   She is the lighting technician for the play.
  local technician 0.46   It exploded, decapitating Cortes and killing a local technician.
  video technician 0.46   To Riehl, the video technician, politicians are little more than actors.
  brilliant technician 0.39   He is a brilliant technician with a powerful musical mind.
  emergency technician 0.39   By the time emergency technicians arrived, she was breathing.
  german technician 0.39   Last week, a group of German technicians weighed the bicycles used during the mountain climbs.
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