away tear 11.78   Many wiped away tears.
  back tear 10.47   Nancy forced back tears.
  partial tear 5.20   The partial tear healed slowly on its own.
  slight tear 2.04   An MRI revealed a slight tear in his elbow ligaments.
  fighting tear 1.65   I find myself fighting back tears as I thank them for coming.
  small tear 1.58   If small tears occur, ignore them.
  fought tear 1.32   Some fought back tears.
  real tear 1.32   Real tears.
  hot tear 0.92   Lots of hot tears.
  complete tear 0.72   He said an MRI revealed a complete tear.
  angry tear 0.66   Angry tears pricked her eyes.
  big tear 0.59   Big tears came down her face.
  bitter tear 0.59   She wept bitter tears of self-reproach.
  happy tear 0.59   For a change, happy tears flowed.
  large tear 0.59   Large tears splashed into her teacup.
  single tear 0.59   A single tear glistened on the frame.
  choking tear 0.53   If, on the other hand, you hear them choking back tears, proceed with caution.
  artificial tear 0.46   Use artificial tears or contact lens wetting solution to keep your eyes moist.
  joyful tear 0.39   Some are brought to joyful tears.
  public tear 0.39   Elian has gone home...but...the auto-hysterical cousin Marisleysis is still shedding public tears.
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