former teammate 60.17   Collins or Faulk, his former LSU teammate, could be third.
  new teammate 17.25   Hatcher had a new teammate.
  old teammate 5.00   You play against old teammates.
  open teammate 2.70   Loose balls find open teammates.
  younger teammate 1.91   His advice to younger teammates?
  american teammate 1.71   His American teammates were more blunt.
  olympic teammate 1.71   John Stockton, his Utah and Olympic teammate, added five.
  young teammate 1.65   Will he be petty, blameful of his young teammates?
  austrian teammate 1.45   For his two other Austrian teammates, it was bittersweet.
  french teammate 1.25   French teammate Laurent Robert echoed Shearer.
  german teammate 1.25   He was backed Thursday by his German teammate and Barrichello.
  good teammate 1.25   A good teammate.
  veteran teammate 1.25   Atwood jumped out to the lead but was caught by his veteran teammate.
  current teammate 1.18   Current teammates and former coaches weigh in on the topic.
  russian teammate 1.18   Sergei Rojkov beat Russian teammate Pavel Mouslimov for third place.
  future teammate 1.12   Thurman, his future teammate at Arkansas.
  black teammate 1.05   Some of the Dodger players resented having a black teammate.
  injured teammate 0.99   But injured teammate Bobby Phills knew better.
  longtime teammate 0.99   He finished second in Lancaster to Frankie Andreu, a longtime teammate.
  swiss teammate 0.92   His Swiss teammate Adolf Hanni escaped unhurt.
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