mint tea 1.65   And the complementary mint tea was delicious.
  ice tea 1.32   Cold like ice tea,
  quality tea 1.12   Medium quality tea saw prices drop.
  herb tea 0.99   Dhani drank water followed by herb tea.
  hybrid tea 0.79   Cullen disdains hybrid teas.
  chamomile tea 0.66   She orders a chamomile tea.
  barley tea 0.59   In the first days he drank barley tea and milk, but has since given up milk.
  morning tea 0.59   She had toast and tea this morning.
  coca tea 0.53   Coca tea is a popular drink and recommended as an anecdote for altitude sickness.
  diet tea 0.46   Both iced teas made with sugar and diet iced teas made with aspartame were tasted.
  oolong tea 0.46   Black tea, green tea and oolong tea all come from the same plant.
  camomile tea 0.39   Eggs, new era, camomile tea.
  drink tea 0.39   He talks to the locals, drinks tea and waits.
  ginseng tea 0.39   Pour yourself a cup of ginseng tea.
  high-quality tea 0.39   Only high-quality teas are holding firm.
  hibiscus tea 0.33   One cup steeped in two quarts of hot water makes eight cups of hibiscus tea.
  kava tea 0.33   Kava tea is generally much more sedating than pills, Fox said.
  sun tea 0.33   Ahead of his time, he makes sun tea.
  bubble tea 0.26   Each week she bypasses the drink machines in her dorm for bubble teas.
  lemon tea 0.26   Packets of sweetened lemon tea were offered alongside freeze-dried coffee.
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