consumer taste 2.90   But consumer tastes can be fickle.
  suit taste 1.25   Vary them to suit individual tastes.
  food taste 1.18   Airlines reflecting food tastes?
  fashion taste 0.59   And he has high-octane fashion taste.
  customer taste 0.39   And cash flow was more important than customer tastes.
  audience taste 0.33   Investors want good box-office receipts, so directors must appeal to audience tastes.
  corn taste 0.33   But, a few staff members said that the husk protected the true corn taste.
  music taste 0.33   Users can also share music tastes with each other in chat rooms.
  fish taste 0.26   The alligator in Hawaiian sauce had a hint of fish taste.
  gourmet taste 0.26   Specialty services offer the same gourmet taste through the mail.
  licorice taste 0.26   Its robust licorice taste suggests supermarket fennel with the volume turned up.
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