hit target 32.98   She hit the target.
  meet target 25.87   Needham seems certain to meet its target.
  miss target 21.13   But it misses its target.
  attack target 19.16   Warplanes attacked targets near Kabul Wednesday.
  set target 12.11   We want to set some targets we can hit.
  reach target 10.60   But the souvenir never reached its target.
  strike target 8.89   The Unabomber had struck another target.
  bomb target 7.57   Some models can bomb targets, as well.
  identify target 5.86   He would not identify the targets.
  find target 5.66   Find new target.
  achieve target 5.33   Have they achieved their target?
  pound target 4.61   U.S. warplanes pound targets near Kandahar.
  have target 3.62   They had targets.
  make target 3.62   They make better targets.
  destroy target 3.29   Destroy the target.
  choose target 3.16   Choose your targets.
  pick target 2.90   Just pick a target, any target.
  select target 2.37   From those, Bayer will select targets for its use.
  include target 2.11   The exercises include shooting targets on the ground.
  raise target 1.91   Gore raised the target on Sunday.
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