company target 6.19   Record companies are targeting him.
  group target 5.60   Terrorist group had targeted Ramos.
  attack target 5.07   The attack targeted ethnic Vietnamese.
  militant target 4.74   The militants have also targeted wealthy Copts.
  rebel target 4.61   He said rebels frequently target the wells.
  police target 3.69   As in the past, police also targeted members of the media.
  terrorist target 3.62   Fears grow that terrorists target tourism industry.
  campaign target 3.03   Latest campaign targets elections.
  government target 2.96   The government is also targeting sulfur dioxide emissions.
  force target 2.37   Kabila denies that his forces targeted refugees.
  warplane target 2.37   U.S. warplanes on missions target Iraqi installations.
  guerrilla target 2.24   Guerrillas often target the oil industry.
  program target 2.24   There the program targets all citizens.
  plane target 2.11   But Russia denies its planes are targeting civilians.
  raid target 2.04   Raids Wednesday targeted the same area.
  bomb target 1.71   -- A bomb targets Americans and shakes the Saudis...
  troop target 1.65   General says U.S. troops targeted in Gulf.
  authority target 1.58   Authorities have targeted nine favored landing sites.
  extremist target 1.58   Moslem extremists have frequently targeted trains in south Egypt.
  investor target 1.58   Finally, some investors targeted Taiwan.
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