company tap 2.17   Three junk-rated companies tapped the market.
  user tap 1.32   Most Internet users tap into the computer network via a local phone line.
  police tap 1.05   Its products also lets police tap records remotely.
  government tap 0.99   - The government should tap external loans as fast as possible and increase government spending.
  man tap 0.72   Real men tap in work boots!
  foot tap 0.66   His foot tapped on my carpet.
  people tap 0.66   People are tapping into the power supply illegally.
  finger tap 0.46   His fingers tap the wheel in time with the tune.
  industry tap 0.46   The music industry already has tapped into the technology.
  administration tap 0.39   The administration tapped the reserve Friday to ease consumer fears about low supplies of home heating oil.
  agency tap 0.39   The agency can tap the money to pay claims in the event of a hurricane.
  customer tap 0.39   These days, even customers can tap into technology.
  toe tap 0.39   Toes tapped.
  bank tap 0.33   Sometimes the bank can tap the venture capitalists if the start-up runs out of money.
  candidate tap 0.33   By using discussion groups, candidates can tap into issues and hear from voters.
  consumer tap 0.33   The new software allows consumers to tap into the Internet via their phones.
  governor tap 0.33   Walt said the governor will tap someone to fill the vacant commission seat and will appoint an interim chairman.
  rescuer tap 0.33   The six navy rescuers tapped on the hull.
  way tap 0.33   A number of domestic companies have discovered new ways to tap into the Latino market.
  agent tap 0.26   Currently, federal agents can only tap a single phone.
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