russian tanker 2.44   Cleanup starts on oil spill from Russian tanker.
  chemical tanker 1.25   The rest are a product tanker, a chemical tanker and a bulk carrier.
  sunken tanker 1.25   He added that the sunken tanker remained a menace to navigation.
  refueling tanker 1.18   It keeps airborne refueling tankers in the Emirates.
  small tanker 0.92   Gerry indicated the running lights of a small tanker.
  large tanker 0.72   All he saw was a large gray Navy tanker called the Preserver.
  double-hulled tanker 0.66   It led to double-hulled tankers and tug escorts for them in Washington waters.
  iraqi tanker 0.66   The Iraqi tanker Amouriya sank seven years ago just outside Iraqi territorial waters.
  empty tanker 0.59   Then an empty tanker lorry and three cars appear to have hit the wreckage.
  aerial tanker 0.53   That, in turn, would require aerial tanker flights.
  british tanker 0.53   ...the first mate of a British tanker.
  military tanker 0.53   A convoy of Russian military tanker trucks was seen moving in from the west.
  new tanker 0.53   The Clinton administration says it will soon announce new tanker safety measures.
  first tanker 0.46   First tanker with Iraqi oil departs.
  norwegian tanker 0.46   The George Prince, a state ferry, was struck portside and upended by the Frosta, a Norwegian tanker.
  stricken tanker 0.46   Oil is pouring into the sea from a stricken tanker off the coast of Shetland.
  the tanker 0.46   The other tanker was only slightly scratched.
  huge tanker 0.39   A huge tanker had hit the bridge in a fierce storm.
  burning tanker 0.33   APTV has pictures of the burning tanker.
  damaged tanker 0.33   The damaged tanker was single-hulled.
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