hold talk 436.80   PLO-US talks are held in Tunis.
  resume talk 112.77   It said it wants to resume talks with Thyssen.
  begin talk 65.37   Bear Stearns then began talks with Green.
  have talk 59.12   Did we have talks with them?
  open talk 39.83   SAG has yet to set a date to open talks.
  suspend talk 34.56   Talks are suspended.
  continue talk 31.01   Netanyahu would continue peace talks.
  start talk 30.35   I started that talk.
  attend talk 27.58   Still attending talks by various groups.
  follow talk 23.50   Breakthrough could follow secret talks.
  schedule talk 22.84   No talks are scheduled.
  restart talk 22.45   American envoy fails to restart peace talks.
  join talk 17.51   By September, Sinn Fein had joined the talks.
  enter talk 12.71   Chicago supposedly entered the talks late.
  reopen talk 12.31   He called on Beijing to reopen talks.
  plan talk 12.18   No talks were planned.
  end talk 10.99   The attacks ended that talk.
  revive talk 10.34   As diplomats struggled to revive peace talks.
  stall talk 9.94   Peace talks are stalled.
  include talk 9.81   Both episodes include copious talk about sex and anatomy.
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