tall tales 4.48   Tall tales.
  folk tales 3.29   He published a compendium of folk tales.
  similar tales 2.57   The guards tell similar tales.
  cautionary tales 1.78   So much for the cautionary tales.
  harrowing tales 1.45   Local news media were filled with harrowing tales from survivors.
  old tales 1.12   Some pots tell old tales.
  lurid tales 0.72   Lurid tales?
  dark tales 0.59   Is that why he concocts such dark tales?
  moral tales 0.59   There were moral tales, too.
  personal tales 0.59   What finally overwhelmed him, he said, were the personal tales of anguish.
  different tales 0.46   Two different tales, actually.
  fanciful tales 0.39   European immigrants had heard fanciful tales of streets paved with gold.
  heroic tales 0.39   World War II was recent epic history whose heroic tales still charged our emotions.
  horrific tales 0.39   Victims told horrific tales of the inferno.
  horrifying tales 0.39   Ita said the organization had received many more telephone calls from women recounting horrifying tales of abuse and brutality.
  individual tales 0.39   Still, individual tales of woe abound.
  sad tales 0.39   Of course, as with so many sad tales, there are winners.
  chilling tales 0.33   There are several typically chilling tales of the all-American kid ruined by ecstasy.
  family tales 0.33   His ingenuity was fodder for countless family tales.
  grim tales 0.33   On the Internet, passengers swap grim tales of commuter woe.
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