long tail 3.69   Fish with long tails.
  black tail 1.12   A magpie overhead, its long tail black and belly white.
  bushy tail 0.92   ...a bushy tail.
  vertical tail 0.79   The rudder is the flap on the vertical tail of the aircraft.
  red tail 0.72   She also carried a fan made from red tail hawk feathers.
  short tail 0.72   My dog has a short stubby tail.
  white tail 0.72   He used to wear zoot suits or white tails.
  forked tail 0.59   He is growing horns and a forked tail here!
  wagging tail 0.53   They rhapsodize about wagging tails and unconditional love.
  longer tail 0.46   Female Crested Iguanas have longer tails than the males.
  bright tail 0.33   It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail.
  giant tail 0.33   Television footage showed the giant tail of the aircraft, jutting into the sky above a devastated apartment block.
  horizontal tail 0.33   Ishmael says they are whales because they spout and have horizontal tails.
  light tail 0.33   Shards from a tail light found at the scene showed they came from a Fiat.
  new tail 0.33   Want to get a new tail light for your Benz?
  stubby tail 0.33   My dog has a short stubby tail.
  curly tail 0.26   ...dragons with curly tails.
  fiery tail 0.26   And the fiery tails of rockets do not streak through the night sky.
  indian tail 0.26   But Akram and Mushtaq mopped up the Indian tail.
  intact tail 0.26   One mystery was the discovery of the completely intact tail of the plane in the waters of Jamaica Bay.
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