government tackle 2.24   Governments must tackle pollution now.
  defensive tackle 1.05   No defensive tackle Leon Lett?
  team tackle 0.86   The team tackled the two problems separately.
  company tackle 0.79   There are ways Indian companies can tackle the competition.
  leader tackle 0.79   The two leaders will tackle other issues.
  negotiator tackle 0.79   The declaration also promised that negotiators would tackle the tough issues not decided in five years of peace talks.
  nose tackle 0.79   He was becoming a force as a nose tackle.
  offensive tackle 0.59   A star offensive tackle in Tony Boselli.
  country tackle 0.53   No single country can tackle these challenges alone, he said.
  passenger tackle 0.53   Passengers tackled him and held him down.
  police tackle 0.53   At the end of the ceremony, police tackled a man who scrambled over a barricade near the altar.
  firefighter tackle 0.46   Firefighters were still tackling the blaze, police said.
  group tackle 0.46   The group will tackle automotive retailing and document management projects first.
  student tackle 0.46   Students then tackled him and helped hold him down.
  crew tackle 0.39   The crew tackles each shoot like a TV news team would.
  film tackle 0.39   And the film does tackle some pretty heavy issues.
  fireman tackle 0.39   Firemen tackled a blaze in the kitchen of a flat in The Esplanade, Redcar last night.
  linebacker tackle 0.39   We want the fake so good that offside linebacker will tackle the fullback.
  man tackle 0.39   The second man tackled the other who fell to the ground, she said.
  one tackle 0.39   Seven players had at least one tackle for loss.
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