post-concussion syndrome 3.62   Brown has a problem with post-concussion syndrome.
  hemolytic syndrome 1.38   There is no specific treatment to prevent hemolytic uremic syndrome.
  uremic syndrome 1.38   There is no specific treatment to prevent hemolytic uremic syndrome.
  long syndrome 0.92   But diagnosing long QT syndrome can be tricky.
  wasting syndrome 0.72   Wasting syndrome is a progressive weight loss resulting from HIV infection or AIDS.
  building syndrome 0.46   A common household fungus can contribute to sick building syndrome.
  acute syndrome 0.39   All victims had what doctors call acute coronary syndrome.
  sick syndrome 0.39   A common household fungus can contribute to sick building syndrome.
  nephrotic syndrome 0.33   Lomu was suffering from nephrotic syndrome which causes chronic kidney damage.
  new syndrome 0.33   How to combat this new syndrome of motorists with too much motor?
  postconcussion syndrome 0.33   He missed nearly all of last season with postconcussion syndrome.
  pulmonary syndrome 0.33   The cause was hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.
  clinical syndrome 0.26   The clinical syndrome is often termed postpatent parasitic bronchitis.
  genetic syndrome 0.26   About one in five with genetic syndromes remain untreatable, he said.
  metabolic syndrome 0.26   Metabolic syndrome greatly increases the risk of diabetes, heart attacks and stroke.
  so-called syndrome 0.26   Then Bill and Hillary Clinton took a personal interest in the so-called Gulf War syndrome.
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