have symptom 15.73   I had no symptoms.
  show symptom 12.38   Not everyone shows symptoms.
  cause symptom 7.57   Sun scald causes similar symptoms.
  develop symptom 6.12   Most of them never develop symptoms.
  treat symptom 5.53   But they treat only symptoms.
  relieve symptom 4.74   Aspirin will help to relieve the symptoms.
  experience symptom 4.28   Some people experience no symptoms.
  report symptom 3.88   None reported alarming symptoms.
  suffer symptom 3.88   They all suffer the symptoms.
  ease symptom 3.36   -- Chocolate can ease PMS symptoms.
  produce symptom 2.76   Often, exposure produces no symptoms whatsoever.
  control symptom 2.44   None could control their symptoms while on a placebo.
  reduce symptom 2.30   Their symptoms were significantly reduced.
  exhibit symptom 2.24   But many other leaded children exhibit few symptoms.
  alleviate symptom 1.97   You can buy various medicines to alleviate the symptoms of flu.
  recognize symptom 1.97   You can recognize the symptoms.
  describe symptom 1.51   Well, could she describe his symptoms?
  display symptom 1.45   She was displaying symptoms of stress.
  feel symptom 1.18   Williams felt the symptoms only when he pitched.
  ignore symptom 0.86   Mother ignored my symptoms.
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