flu symptom 5.86   He had flu symptoms.
  asthma symptom 1.45   Smoking magnifies asthma symptoms.
  allergy symptom 1.32   Nasarel and Nasalide are used to ease allergy symptoms.
  bowel symptom 1.32   No known bowel symptoms, but was never investigated.
  stroke symptom 0.79   Fewer than half of such elders could identify a single stroke symptom.
  stress symptom 0.66   But locating effective treatment for traumatic stress symptoms can be difficult.
  anthrax symptom 0.59   Still wondering about anthrax symptoms?
  disease symptom 0.59   These tests do not always accurately reproduce the disease symptoms.
  reflux symptom 0.53   Reflux symptoms were the main reason for unsatisfactory grades.
  cholera symptom 0.46   WHO urged people with cholera symptoms to seek medical help rapidly.
  menopause symptom 0.46   The weak estrogen effect of isoflavones may also ease menopause symptoms.
  cancer symptom 0.39   I had no cancer symptoms.
  telltale symptom 0.39   Hayden said pleconaril may work best if people keep a supply at home to use at the first telltale symptoms.
  syndrome symptom 0.33   Overall, they had more irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.
  concussion symptom 0.26   Maggette will not practice until the concussion symptom are gone..
  disorder symptom 0.26   Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms include nightmares, anxiety, irritability or outbursts of anger.
  exhibit symptom 0.26   Those who are sickened exhibit typical flu symptoms.
  meningitis symptom 0.26   Meningitis symptoms include a sudden onset of fever, a stiff neck and red rash.
  migraine symptom 0.26   But then he was kicked in the head, and suffered blurred vision and the onset of migraine headache symptoms.
  plague symptom 0.26   Australia began to check incoming passengers from India for any plague symptoms.
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