light switch 7.04   ...a light switch.
  dimmer switch 2.11   Use a dimmer switch.
  double switch 1.97   He did enter the game as part of a double switch in the seventh.
  off switch 1.91   The on-off switch is tiny.
  party switch 1.38   Democrats are hoping the party switch backfires.
  such switch 1.38   Such a switch.
  electrical switch 1.12   Electrical switches, suspected of being counterfeit, were replaced.
  cutoff switch 1.05   Readers who have cars without the AC cutoff switch should keep them in mind.
  new switch 0.99   New switches and receptacles.
  sudden switch 0.99   Neither officer explained the sudden switch in plans.
  optical switch 0.92   Cien makes optical switches.
  master switch 0.86   The phones were dead until Leese flipped the master switch.
  big switch 0.66   That would be a big switch.
  quick switch 0.66   Make quick switch to ESPN.
  automatic switch 0.59   The cause was a faulty automatic switch.
  defensive switch 0.59   Conine replaced Daulton in the top half in a defensive switch.
  electronic switch 0.53   A D.J. flipped electronic switches next to a refrigerator.
  high-speed switch 0.53   Nexabit makes high-speed switches that move data traffic on telecommunications networks.
  molecular switch 0.53   But the new molecular switches are a promising first step.
  possible switch 0.53   Changes that he may have in store include a possible switch to Nike clubs, after suitable testing.
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