fish swim 3.03   The fish swam free.
  people swim 2.24   Six people swam to safety.
  child swim 1.71   Neither child swims competitively.
  head swim 1.65   His head swam.
  whale swim 1.12   What time will the whales be swimming by?
  man swim 0.92   One man reportedly swam safely to shore.
  shark swim 0.86   Sharks are still swimming.
  passenger swim 0.79   Six passengers swam ashore.
  woman swim 0.59   Women never swam in them.
  animal swim 0.53   A beautiful animal swims up.
  dolphin swim 0.53   In the eastern Pacific, dolphins swim with tuna.
  boy swim 0.46   There was no lifeguard on duty, officials said, and neither boy could swim.
  resident swim 0.46   Residents swam to their houses to try to retrieve some belongings, using empty water jugs to keep afloat.
  survivor swim 0.46   Twenty-eight survivors swam ashore.
  girl swim 0.39   Today, the girls still swim in Moose Pond, paddle the Saco River, climb mountains and build campfires.
  sperm swim 0.39   Sperm will swim in a culture medium for a day or more.
  dog swim 0.33   The dog swam to safety.
  eye swim 0.33   The kings eyes were swimming with tears.
  kid swim 0.33   Kids swam in the lakes.
  school swim 0.33   A school of porpoises swam abaft the fishing boat.
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