break sweat 7.83   He may not break a sweat.
  wipe sweat 4.21   Or wiped sweat from his forehead.
  wear sweat 0.46   Derrick Coleman was not the only one wearing sweats.
  drip sweat 0.33   I dislike the acts who hang on to the curtains, dripping sweat and beg you to applaud their efforts.
  see sweat 0.33   They can see the sweat.
  absorb sweat 0.26   Absorbs sweat from the hands.
  have sweat 0.26   Firefighters who emerged Saturday after working for hours in the tunnel had sweat pouring down their blackened faces.
  mop sweat 0.26   He mopped the sweat from his face.
  produce sweat 0.26   Granted, Minnesota and Tampa Bay produce flop sweats in no one.
  raise sweat 0.26   Galarraga raised a sweat.
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