scratch surface 6.98   That just scratches the surface.
  cover surface 4.87   Objects cover every surface.
  reach surface 3.62   Then, their bewilderment when they reach the surface.
  break surface 2.70   From time to time, a trout will break the surface.
  skim surface 1.97   Skim the surface.
  coat surface 1.78   Add oil and swirl to coat surface.
  brush surface 1.32   Brush surface with olive oil.
  clean surface 1.25   They clean tooth surfaces as you chew.
  smooth surface 1.18   Scrape batter into pan, smoothing the surface.
  damage surface 1.12   It could damage the surface.
  have surface 1.12   A cube has six surfaces.
  rub surface 1.12   Rub entire surface of the meat with olive oil.
  paint surface 0.86   When the shellac is thoroughly dry, you can paint the surface.
  wipe surface 0.86   Wipe the surface with a clean dry cloth.
  use surface 0.79   Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia also uses the surface.
  sand surface 0.66   Sand the surface softly and carefully.
  touch surface 0.66   When it appears dry, touch the surface.
  protect surface 0.59   So protect the surface with masking tape first.
  race surface 0.59   Also, the dirt racing surface is being reformulated.
  seal surface 0.59   The shellac must seal all surfaces to prevent bug infestation.
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