report surface 7.90   Meanwhile, new reports of violence surfaced.
  allegation surface 5.92   The allegations surfaced two years later.
  name surface 5.86   His name seldom surfaced.
  problem surface 4.74   Then new problems surfaced.
  evidence surface 4.41   But no harder evidence has surfaced.
  rumor surface 2.63   Suddenly, the rumors surfaced.
  issue surface 2.50   Racial issues rarely surfaced in the campaign.
  scandal surface 1.71   The scandal surfaced shortly afterward.
  tension surface 1.45   Tensions also surfaced in Bosnian Serb ranks.
  question surface 1.32   The question has surfaced before.
  accusation surface 1.25   I had to wait and see what accusation would surface.
  story surface 1.18   The story first surfaced on CNN television.
  case surface 1.05   Similar cases have surfaced in Central California, Texas and Florida.
  information surface 0.99   The information surfaced many years later.
  news surface 0.99   The news surfaced at a team meeting.
  charge surface 0.86   No such charges surfaced.
  complaint surface 0.86   The first complaint surfaced in November.
  doubt surface 0.86   New doubts surfaced.
  submarine surface 0.86   A civilian guest aboard the submarine was at the controls when the submarine surfaced.
  concern surface 0.79   That concern surfaced in the States, too.
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