have supporter 14.68   Schulman has supporters.
  kill supporter 3.95   A supporter was also killed.
  arrest supporter 3.09   Ten other supporters were also arrested.
  thank supporter 3.09   De Klerk thanked his supporters.
  address supporter 2.70   Museveni addresses supporters in Kampala, Wednesday.
  rally supporter 2.57   Crystal has rallied his supporters.
  attack supporter 2.44   They attacked student supporters at the university.
  accuse supporter 2.30   Those who opposed charter shcools accuse supporters of elitism.
  greet supporter 2.11   Afterward he greeted supporters.
  tell supporter 2.04   Buchanan told supporters he is about out of money.
  attract supporter 1.97   His iconoclastic views are slowly attracting supporters.
  blame supporter 1.91   But Zia has blamed opposition supporters.
  include supporter 1.91   The passengers included supporters of Celtic and Rangers.
  prevent supporter 1.78   It also prevents many supporters from visiting her at her home.
  say supporter 1.71   At least so say his supporters.
  urge supporter 1.71   Bradley urged supporters to vote.
  intimidate supporter 1.65   But none ever attempted to get even by intimidating its supporters.
  mobilize supporter 1.58   And that, they said, could help Sharpton mobilize supporters.
  find supporter 1.51   Yet it found enthusiastic supporters, too.
  join supporter 1.45   Ng and Lau joined their supporters in the protest.
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