moral superiority 2.44   I think it must be genuine moral superiority.
  military superiority 2.24   We had absolute military superiority.
  technological superiority 1.12   That makes it highly vulnerable to the technological superiority of the Western alliance.
  technical superiority 0.92   The technical superiority IBM claims for Warp is suspect.
  american superiority 0.79   It asserts American superiority.
  overwhelming superiority 0.79   Everyone can relate this year to the overwhelming superiority of self-penned songs.
  racial superiority 0.72   What few rights blacks enjoyed were eroded by burgeoning notions of racial superiority.
  numerical superiority 0.66   With their numerical superiority, they should have shown more enterprise.
  cultural superiority 0.53   The situation is galling to a nation ever eager to proclaim its cultural superiority.
  intellectual superiority 0.39   No airs, pretensions and illusions of intellectual superiority.
  white superiority 0.39   After slavery, white superiority hit Chinese immigrants in the face.
  aryan superiority 0.33   She began satirizing the Nazis in her work, ridiculing the idea of Aryan superiority.
  overall superiority 0.33   The overall superiority did not go unnoticed by Michigan coach Lloyd Carr.
  physical superiority 0.33   No matter the opponent, Kysar or Robsock, Harrison said his physical superiority showed.
  vast superiority 0.33   After that, Jones, clearly aware of his vast superiority and not wishing to punish Grant further, pulled back.
  genetic superiority 0.26   In fact, there is no scientific basis for theories pushing the genetic superiority of any one population over another.
  male superiority 0.26   The myth of male superiority was losing its potency.
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