morning sun 10.20   Morning sun is preferable.
  summer sun 6.52   The summer sun retards moss growth.
  midday sun 5.66   Avoid the midday sun.
  desert sun 3.42   ...the burning desert sun.
  winter sun 2.04   Garbage spontaneously ignites in the white winter sun.
  spring sun 1.32   Soon the warm spring sun will melt the winter snows.
  day sun 0.92   Most herbs need direct sun all day in order to thrive.
  noonday sun 0.79   Secondly, stay out of the noonday sun.
  late-afternoon sun 0.72   See how the late-afternoon sun makes everything shimmer.
  noon sun 0.66   Troops stood at attention under a broiling noon sun.
  noontime sun 0.53   The chestnuts roasted in the noontime sun.
  like sun 0.26   This member of the iris family likes sun and a well-draining garden soil.
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