spend summer 29.69   I spent my summer at the beach.
  take summer 3.09   It takes all summer.
  have summer 2.57   She would have her summer.
  follow summer 1.45   Jackson followed last summer.
  begin summer 1.25   The probe began this summer and was first revealed last week.
  remember summer 0.99   But mostly I remember summer.
  start summer 0.92   The trials are expected to start this summer at the earliest.
  enjoy summer 0.79   So why not give Jackson the one-year deal and enjoy the summer?
  plan summer 0.72   We hope you find this new format helpful, especially when planning your summer!
  visit summer 0.72   Princess Diana visited last summer.
  survive summer 0.59   Will Japan survive the summer?
  face summer 0.53   Facing another summer of smog, park superintendent Cisneros is growing frustrated.
  meet summer 0.53   Taiwanese representatives will meet this summer to revise the constitution.
  tour summer 0.53   Tired of the same acts who tour every summer?
  host summer 0.39   Until last year, Boston had hosted the summer MacWorld for years.
  launch summer 0.39   The paid service was expected to launch this summer.
  make summer 0.39   The key to making summer a success, Coburn said, is communication.
  use summer 0.39   Somlyo said he would use the summer for an orderly transition.
  anticipate summer 0.33   California is anticipating a summer of power problems.
  bring summer 0.33   And here comes the musical Mr. Softee truck, bringing summer in a sugar cone.
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