ease suffering 5.13   Instead it seeks to ease emotional suffering.
  cause suffering 4.41   The war has caused immeasurable suffering.
  alleviate suffering 4.02   A catheter will alleviate this suffering.
  end suffering 2.76   It not only saved her life, it ended her suffering.
  relieve suffering 1.84   I wish I could relieve your suffering.
  bring suffering 1.25   For the Russian people, it brought unspeakable suffering.
  increase suffering 1.25   Increasing the suffering could fuel more terrorism.
  prolong suffering 1.05   Aiken says shoddy medical care has prolonged his suffering.
  endure suffering 0.92   You can only guess at what mental suffering they endure.
  ignore suffering 0.72   Arafat also held a news conference in Tokyo, where he accused Israel of ignoring Palestinian suffering.
  acknowledge suffering 0.66   Europeans would be prepared to acknowledge the suffering caused by the slave trade.
  reduce suffering 0.66   Can their suffering be reduced?
  see suffering 0.66   We saw human suffering on a shocking scale.
  inflict suffering 0.46   He now worries that the Taliban will inflict more suffering.
  lessen suffering 0.39   Other religions provide for ways to lessen animal suffering when sacrificed or used as food.
  prevent suffering 0.39   Remedial action should begin when the first symptoms of the crisis occur so as to prevent suffering later.
  stop suffering 0.39   We can stop this suffering.
  compound suffering 0.33   Prudence Mbele, a South African AIDS educator, said ignorance and fear about the disease with which she was infected compounded her suffering.
  do suffering 0.33   Her suffering is done, yet so is the life.
  include suffering 0.33   Seven were recaptured quickly, including four suffering from bullet wounds.
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