human suffering 7.11   It is the face of human suffering.
  widespread suffering 1.84   The number of illegal guns on the streets causes widespread suffering, said Axworthy.
  jewish suffering 1.78   Jewish suffering, though, is divinely ordained.
  unnecessary suffering 1.65   She admitted causing the dog unnecessary suffering.
  great suffering 1.32   She said she had endured great mental suffering.
  terrible suffering 1.18   It was a city, too, of terrible suffering.
  civilian suffering 1.12   The hospital is a catalog of civilian suffering.
  palestinian suffering 1.12   Palestinian suffering is rarely a focus.
  physical suffering 0.99   More physical suffering.
  economic suffering 0.86   But higher prices for essential goods are not the only source of economic suffering.
  needless suffering 0.86   They wanted to see an end to what they termed needless suffering.
  personal suffering 0.72   But there were glimmers of personal suffering.
  emotional suffering 0.59   Instead it seeks to ease emotional suffering.
  greater suffering 0.59   Your greater suffering will be in vain.
  iraqi suffering 0.59   Iraqi suffering will grind on a while longer.
  long suffering 0.59   I was in awe of her strength in the face of long suffering.
  unbearable suffering 0.59   There was no unbearable suffering, he argued.
  untold suffering 0.59   To achieve his wish of pursuing his studies, he had already endured untold sufferings.
  intense suffering 0.53   Intense suffering is pointless, if there is no chance of recovery.
  enormous suffering 0.46   Iraq says the sanctions have caused enormous suffering among its people.
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