poor substitute 3.62   But they are poor substitutes for the real thing.
  good substitute 3.49   It was a good substitute.
  fat substitute 2.63   Not all fat substitutes have flopped.
  late substitute 1.71   Kurihara was a late substitute for Brazilian Carlos Henrique.
  cheap substitute 0.79   Its roots have long provided a cheap coffee substitute.
  close substitute 0.79   Are other assets a close substitute for money?
  possible substitute 0.79   One possible substitute is steel.
  acceptable substitute 0.72   Soy sauce is an acceptable substitute for tamari.
  adequate substitute 0.72   Simply resting is not an adequate substitute for sleep.
  perfect substitute 0.66   Guimaraes said he saw Parks as a perfect substitute for Wanchope.
  suitable substitute 0.66   Happily, the two found a suitable substitute.
  generic substitute 0.59   He settles for generic substitutes.
  synthetic substitute 0.59   Synthetic substitutes are out.
  cheaper substitute 0.53   The group found a much cheaper substitute in coke breeze.
  effective substitute 0.53   But tossing it out without an effective substitute is a problem.
  great substitute 0.46   Lobster or poached oysters are great substitutes for shrimp.
  local substitute 0.39   Bad weather adversely affected production of local substitutes.
  potential substitute 0.39   Daniel Saric, a potential substitute, also was not on the roster.
  salt substitute 0.39   What are salt alternatives or salt substitutes?
  coffee substitute 0.33   Its roots have long provided a cheap coffee substitute.
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