good stuff 14.94   Good stuff.
  best stuff 5.60   This is the best stuff.
  serious stuff 5.27   Serious stuff.
  bad stuff 5.00   The bad stuff?
  new stuff 4.94   New stuff, baby.
  old stuff 4.21   Really old stuff.
  great stuff 3.23   Great stuff!
  real stuff 3.16   Real stuff.
  heady stuff 3.03   Heady stuff.
  small stuff 2.90   But it was all small stuff.
  same stuff 2.83   It was the same stuff.
  the stuff 2.76   The other stuff.
  important stuff 2.63   This is important stuff.
  white stuff 2.50   White stuff on my nose.
  hard stuff 2.11   Hard stuff.
  big stuff 2.04   It is big stuff.
  green stuff 2.04   Yeah I that green stuff inside.
  nasty stuff 1.97   Nasty stuff.
  sterner stuff 1.97   This is sterner stuff.
  heavy stuff 1.91   Heavy stuff.
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