conduct study 39.24   - How was the study conducted?
  do study 23.83   Do you do general studies?
  complete study 16.46   Some had completed university studies.
  publish study 12.31   The study was published today.
  need study 9.81   More study is needed.
  release study 8.82   The study was released Wednesday.
  fund study 8.76   Japan is funding a study now.
  cite study 8.43   He cites studies that back his point.
  continue study 8.10   Both plan to continue their studies.
  begin study 7.90   The study was begun three years ago.
  say study 6.39   The study was to be released Tuesday.
  finance study 5.92   Pfizer financed the study.
  present study 5.92   The study will be presented at the end of July.
  finish study 5.73   The new studies should be finished late this year.
  commission study 5.60   So HUD commissioned a study.
  pursue study 4.94   He left the service to pursue his studies.
  base study 4.87   The KPMG study is based on announced transactions.
  carry study 4.81   Two studies will be carried out.
  include study 4.48   Film study was included in his extra work.
  undertake study 4.41   In addition, two related studies are being undertaken.
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