new study 109.74   New study after baby dies during water birth.
  recent study 58.06   A very recent study confirms this once again.
  further study 31.27   But she called for further study.
  previous study 25.48   But these previous studies were indirect.
  scientific study 19.55   Dozens of scientific studies investigated the claims.
  earlier study 18.83   These results are confirmed by earlier studies.
  clinical study 10.60   Researchers say clinical studies are now under way.
  animal study 10.34   Animal studies bolstered the notion.
  independent study 9.74   Independent studies have agreed.
  first study 9.28   Their first studies involved California.
  detailed study 7.64   Detailed studies are already under way.
  preliminary study 7.57   But those were preliminary studies.
  similar study 7.57   Democrats have a similar study under way.
  medical study 7.50   Medical studies have been inconclusive.
  large study 7.31   A large study released UG.
  religious study 6.91   He left to pursue conventional religious studies.
  second study 6.91   A second study was more optimistic.
  latest study 6.85   The latest study is par for the course.
  national study 6.78   A new national study would seem to say so.
  environmental study 6.71   The agency conducted an environmental study.
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