continue struggle 6.39   They vowed to continue the struggle.
  face struggle 2.50   Le faces that struggle now.
  have struggle 2.50   She had her struggles.
  end struggle 1.84   Police storm temple to end leadership struggle.
  see struggle 1.32   We want to see struggles.
  support struggle 1.32   Foreign activists support Palestinian struggle.
  wage struggle 1.32   They mobilised the landless peasants to wage struggles against the rural rich.
  win struggle 1.32   Amazingly, Kan won his struggle.
  join struggle 1.25   Join the struggle.
  take struggle 0.86   Your struggle we take as our struggle.
  watch struggle 0.86   A man was watching him struggle decided to help the young lad out.
  lead struggle 0.79   Nor does it have many political heavyweights to lead its struggle.
  reflect struggle 0.66   She reflects that struggle.
  lose struggle 0.59   Many lose their struggle.
  mean struggle 0.59   In Arabic, jihad means struggle, but is also a term for holy war.
  expect struggle 0.53   Expect a struggle.
  indicate struggle 0.53   Police found tips of fake fingernails, indicating a struggle.
  understand struggle 0.53   They understand the struggle.
  describe struggle 0.46   Solomon then described his struggle to come up with a fair sentence.
  escalate struggle 0.46   Personal issues and confusion with manager Don Baylor over his role escalated his struggles.
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