former strongman 6.98   Former military strongman seeks comeback.
  military strongman 5.60   Former military strongman seeks comeback.
  cambodian strongman 2.04   U.N. rights official meets Cambodian strongman.
  late strongman 1.51   He was a close ally of the late strongman Gen. Omar Torrijos.
  serb strongman 1.18   The move helped propel the Serb strongman to power.
  serbian strongman 0.99   There is a pattern to the crimes of Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic.
  yugoslav strongman 0.99   His unexpected popularity appears to have caught the Yugoslav strongman off guard.
  new strongman 0.92   The new strongman was Saddam even though Bakr was still president.
  rwandan strongman 0.72   The Rwandan strongman denied that Rwanda had any territorial ambitions.
  nigerian strongman 0.66   But Mandela said world powers should take stronger action against the Nigerian strongman.
  party strongman 0.66   Rao faced a revolt from party strongman Arjun Singh after the December debacle.
  balkan strongman 0.53   They predict the imminent end of the rule of the Balkan strongmen.
  burundian strongman 0.53   Six people have been arrested on suspicion of plotting to overthrow Burundian strongman Paul Buyoya, an army spokesman said on Thursday.
  communist strongman 0.46   They also learned that the Clinton administration authorized the durable communist strongman a rare U.S. visit this weekend.
  local strongman 0.46   The local strongman is the chief of staff of the former government army, General Augustin Bizimungu.
  panamanian strongman 0.46   A painting of Calvin Coolidge rests adjacent to the handcuffs used to capture Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega on drug charges.
  iraqi strongman 0.39   But consider what happens to those who cross the Iraqi strongman.
  chilean strongman 0.33   He has even expressed admiration for former Chilean strongman General Augusto Pinochet.
  deposed strongman 0.33   Imelda Marcos, wife of the deposed strongman, is appealing a court ruling that found her guilty of corruption.
  haitian strongman 0.33   Haitian military strongman General Raoul Cedras appealed for dailogue but his plea was rejected.
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